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What is NeurOptimal®?

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is the most advanced, professional-grade neurofeedback available, yet it is easy enough to do at home. Designed with you in mind, every session is unique and based on you…NOT on statistical norms or the experience and intuition of your practitioner. No other neurofeedback system comes close to the robust data gathering of Neuoptimal®, and no other system offers as natural and non-invasive an approach.

Dynamic Neurofeedback® training can help people improve:

Focus & Mental Acuity

Mental Resilience

Stress Management

Emotional Resilience

Sleep Management

Physical Reslience

Image by Joanna Kosinska

Tap Right Into Your Central Nervous System

The brain has an incredible, inherent ability to self-correct. Dynamical® neurofeedback training is designed to provide the brain with the information it needs to make its own adjustments.

By detecting and monitoring changes in the electrical patterns emanating from the scalp, neurofeedback training allows your brain – and you – to become more flexible and resilient.

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is a non-linear, dynamical brain training system, which means we do not push or pull the brain in any way, making it do something that it may not want to do (hence the possibility of side effects). Instead, NeurOptimal® simply offers the brain information about what it is doing moment to moment, allowing it the opportunity to self-correct. It is a safe and effective brain training system that, when used as part of a healthy lifestyle, can promote flexibility and resilience in the brain.

In 2018, the FDA designated NeurOptimal® as a General Wellness product, which is defined as the following: “A general wellness product, for the purposes of this guidance, has (1) an intended use that relates to maintaining or encouraging a general state of health or a healthy activity, or (2) an intended use that relates the role of healthy lifestyle with helping to reduce the risk or impact of certain chronic diseases or conditions and where it is well understood and accepted that healthy lifestyle choices may play an important role in health outcomes for the disease or condition.” The complete document can be found at this link: content/uploads/2019/05/FDA-General-Wellness-Guidelines-Law.pdf

NeurOptimal® can help children and adults manage their chronic conditions by promoting emotional and physical resilience, improving mental acuity, and enhancing learning capacity without side effects. These fundamental improvements can strengthen performance to make meaningful gains in functional living skills that are needed to build independence and maintain a healthy lifestyle to manage chronic conditions.

The FDA classifies it as low risk because it is not invasive, not implanted, and does not involve an intervention that may pose a safety risk. At no point in time has the FDA ever deemed NeurOptimal® to be experimental. Also, NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback has specifically been designed with the expertise built in, so no expertise is required to use it. This means that no special credentials are required to purchase or operate NeurOptimal®.

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Start Your Journey Today!

View all of the Balanced Brains & Bodies options for NeurOptimal® products.

Image by Skye Studios
Neurofeedback At Home Rental Post Adoption

Sit comfortably, listen to music (or for kids, watch a movie), meditate, and let your brain do the work for you.

r e l a x
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No effort is required on your part during training sessions, at all! Sit back and enjoy the 33.5-minute session.

t r a i n
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Your brain will grow more resilient and flexible, and so will you. 

o p t i m i z e

The Neurofeedback Training Session

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Neurofeedback training works by utilizing your brain’s own power. The system simply gives your brain information about itself.

How Does it Work?

Dynamical neurofeedback® training gives your brain the information it needs to adjust.

s a f e

Neurofeedback training can be done by people of all ages.

n o n - i v a s i v e

The NeurOptimal® system simply provides the brain with information on how it’s running, allowing it to correct itself.

n a t u r a l

Brain training without any diagnosis or outside expert to say what your brain needs …and no side effects! 

e f f o r t l e s s

Connect to the system, sit back, and let your brain do the work. It’s as simple as that.

During a training session, the NeurOptimal® software monitors for sudden changes in electrical activity. Using a complex and dense mathematical algorithm,  the software will inform your brain with a sudden break in the music.
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This interruption invites your brain to return its attention to the present moment. This allows your brain to naturally self-correct. 
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